Privacy Statement
Area of application

This privacy statement informs users about the type, scope, and purpose of collecting and using personal data on this website (and the following “range of products”) by the responsible provider TILS Das Kalbfleisch. GmbH (LLC), Marie-Curie-Straße 14-20, 53332 Bornheim, phone: +49 (2227) 9229,

Operational data protection appointee:
Herr Guido Lichtenthäler
Kapitelweg 6
53332 Bornheim – Walberberg

The legal principles of data protection can be found in the German Data Protection Act and the Telemedia Act.

Access data/Server log files

The provider (Respectively his webspace provider) collects data on every access to the range of products (so-called server log files). The access data includes:

Name of the accessed website, file, date and time of access, transmitted data volume, report of successful access, browser type along with version, the user’s system software, referrer URL (previously visited website), IP-address and the requesting provider.

The provider uses the log data only for statistical analysis for the company’s purpose, for security and optimizing of the range of products. The provider reserves his rights to check the log data retrospectively if there is concrete evidence for unlawful use.

Handling of personal data

Personal data is information making it possible to identify a person, thus details that can be traced back to a person including name, email address or phone number. But data on preferences, hobbies, memberships, or which websites have been visited by someone are also personal data.

Personal data will only be collected, used, and passed by the provider if it is permitted by law or the users give their consent to the data collection.


When in contact with the provider (for example via a contact form or email) die user’s data will be recorded for the purpose of processing the request and also in case there will be additional questions.

Integration of third-party services and contents

It can occur that within the online offering third party contents as for example YouTube videos, Google-Maps map data, RSS feeds or graphics from other websites can be integrated. This always calls for the providers of those contents (in the following referred to as third-party provider) recognizing the users’ IP address. For without the IP address, they would not be able to send the content to the browser of the individual user. Therefore, the IP address is necessary to present these contents. We make an effort to only use contents of providers who only use the IP address to deliver the contents, however, we have no bearing on it if the third party providers save the IP address for statistical purposes. As far as we are aware of this, we will inform the users about this.


Cookies are small data that allow to save specific device-related information on the users’ access device (PC, smartphone or the like). On the one hand, they serve the user-friendliness of websites and therefore, the users (e.g. Saving of log in data). On the other hand, they serve the collection of statistical data regarding the website usage and to analyze the data with the purpose of improving the range of products. The users can impinge on the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option restricting or fully prevent the saving of cookies. It will be indicated, however, that the use and especially the user convenience without cookies will be limited. You can manage a lot of online-ad-cookies from different companies through the US website or the EU website


For this offered information service, TILS Das Kalbfleisch. GmbH (LLC) resorts to the technical platform and the services of Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

We point out that you are using this Facebook page and its features under your own responsibility. This particularly applies to the use of the interactive features (e.g. commenting, sharing, rating).

When visiting our Facebook page, Facebook is recording your IP address including further information that are available as cookies on your PC. This information is used by the carrier of the Facebook pages to provide statistical information on the demands to the Facebook page. Further related information, Facebook is providing under

The data collected in this context will be processed by Facebook Ltd. and, if necessary, passed to countries outside the European Union. The type of information Facebook receives and how that information will be used, Facebook describes in general in its data use policy. There, you will also find information on different ways to contact Facebook and on the adjustment options for ads.

The data use policy is available under

Facebook’s full privacy policy you can find under

How Facebook uses the data collected from visiting Facebook pages for its own purposes, to what extend activities on the Facebook page will be associated with individual users, how long Facebook stores that information, and whether data from visiting the Facebook page will be passed on to third parties, is not clearly disclosed by Facebook and is not known to us. When accessing a Facebook page, the IP address assigned to your terminal device will be transmitted to Facebook.

According to Facebook, this IP address will be handled in an anonymous manner (for “German” IP addresses) and deleted after 90 days. Facebook further saves information on its users’ terminal devices (e.g. under the feature “sign up confirmation”); if applicable, it is possible for Facebook to associate IP addresses to individual users. If you are currently signed up as user on Facebook, there is a cookie on your terminal device with your Facebook identification. This allows Facebook to see that you visited this page and how you used it. This also applies for all other Facebook pages.

Through Facebook buttons imbedded in the website it is possible for Facebook to trace back your visits to these websites to you and assign them to your Facebook profile. With the help of this data, contents and ads tailored to you can be provided.

If you want to avoid this, you should cancel your Facebook profile and deactivate the feature “stay logged in” respectively, delete the cookies present on your device and close your browser and restart it. In doing so, Facebook information through which you can be identified instantly, will be deleted. This means that you can use our Facebook page without disclosing your Facebook identification. When you access the page’s interactive features (Like, Comment, Share, Messages, etc.), a Facebook log in window will appear. After a possible log in, you again are recognizable to Facebook as a designated user.

Information on how to manage or delete your personal data, you can find under the following Facebook support pages:

Information on Facebook and other social networks, and on how to protect your data, you can find under

Facebook’s page insights

Facebook is providing page insights. Page insights are combined data that provide insight on how people interact with a Facebook page.

Page insights can be based on personal data that was collected in connection with visiting a Facebook page or more specifically people interacting with a Facebook page and its contents.

  • Rights of the individuals affected can be claimed from Facebook Ireland and TILS Das Kalbfleisch. GmbH (LLC).
  • The primary responsibility for processing insights data, according to the Data Protection Act, lies with Facebook and Facebook carries out all its duties from the Data Protection Act regarding the processing of insights data.
  • Facebook Ireland provides the basics of the pages insights addition to the people affected.
  • TILS Das Kalbfleisch. GmbH (LLC) does not make any decisions with regard to the processing of insights data and of all other data stemming from art. 13 in the Data Protection Act including legal basis, identity of the person responsible and storage period of cookies on consumers’ terminal devices.
  • You can learn more about page insights under
Disclaimer, changes, corrections, and updates

Upon request and free of charge, the user has the right to obtain information on the personal data stored related to himself. Besides, the user has the right of correction of false data, blocking and erasing of his personal data if there is no opposing legal retention obligation.
